Freshman Academy

Freshman Academy at Glencliff

All 9th Grade Students are part of the Freshman Academy, It is the foundation for students at Glencliff High School. We will help you become acclimated to High School, learn more about the Pathways and Academies and get prepared to select your academy in the spring.

We Are Family. 


Freshman Academy Leadership

  • Mr. Hamnett

    Academy Principal
    Handles the instructional support for the teachers and students. Handles high level discipline and are here to help remove barriers that may arise throughout the school year.
  • Mrs. Connell

    Academy Counselor
    Provides support for academics, social and emotional, and post-secondary planning.
  • Ms. McGowen

    Academy Team Lead
    The academy team lead is a liaison for teachers and students and supports the academy team and vision.


New Student Orientation

If you are a Freshman doing the online orientation, your next steps are to: